Toilet training is a big step that our little ones take in their life and it is important that we take this step with them as and when they are ready. Your child may start to show signs that they are ready to learn; they may have dry nappies for up to 2 hours, pull their pants down and up, and not want to wear a nappy etc. When you start to notice this, it is a good time to start showing them how to go to the toilet with a small amount of your help.
Make going to the toilet part of their everyday routine and make sure you give your toddler loads of praise for trying! Let them go with you and see their parents going to the toilet so it becomes a normal part of your everyday routine.
Tips to make it easier
Some children will want to use a normal toilet with a training seat on top while others will feel more secure on their own special potty. If your little one prefers the toilet to a potty, have a little foot stool for them so it’s easier for them to get up to the toilet with as little assistance from you as possible.
You may also want to look at getting your child some training pants as they are a lot more absorbent than normal underwear, but they are still different to nappies or pullups.
Try and make sure your child is in clothes that are easy for them to take off and pull up and down – you don’t want there to be any other obstacles for them to face or struggle with when they want to go to the loo.
To help your little one with making the trip to the toilet a little easier, make sure you are giving them plenty of fibre and loads of water – this will help ensure the process is a lot easier, faster and much less stressful for them.
Introduce hygiene and cleanliness. First teach and then to remind your child to wipe properly and wash their hands afterwards – it is a vital habit to practice and an important skill they need once they start nursery and school.
Case study
We spoke to one of nannies, Lucy, who is currently looking after a two-year old and four-year old. She said that the children were ready at different times. When the older child had just turned two the parents were keen for Lucy to start toilet training her. Lucy felt the child was not quite ready as she was not yet showing many signs and was not able to pull her trousers up or down on her own. Although they persevered for many months, Lucy advised the parents to wait and try again when she was ready. When it came to their second child, they started much later when he was three and he was toilet trained within a week. He was desperate to wear his big boy pants and was taking his pullups on and off by himself.
Toilet training at night-time may take a little while longer. Try to not get too frustrated with them if they wet the bed a couple times, just remember to encourage them at all times. Try and avoid having too much water or milk at bedtime so your little one is not needing to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. Always go before bedtime so this becomes part of your bedtime routine and the last thing they do. Some parents will wake their child up before they go to sleep to help their child to do the toilet so they avoid any middle of the night accidents.
Wait until your child is ready
Don’t worry if your little one isn’t toilet trained by the time they are two or three, because it is different for each individual child. As parents /or nannies, we need to try our absolute best to make the whole process pain free and straightforward, so they don’t get frustrated or lose hope on the task at hand. There are no right or wrongs, so choose what feels right for you and your toddler. It is extremely important to remember to be patient and full of encouragement, as toilet training can take days, weeks or months and eventually your little will master this independently!
