Make sure your CV is spell-checked
It is really important your CV has been spell checked and is grammatically correct. Get someone to check it over for you as it is useful to have a fresh pair of eyes to look at it. It shows that you care when you have put time and effort into ensuring your CV has no spelling mistakes. Parents are choosing a nanny to educate their children so this is one of the most important tips we can give. Remember first impressions count!
This is something that has both pros and cons. If you are going to put a photo in your CV, you need to make sure that it is appropriate and professional looking. You must look approachable and friendly - don’t forget to smile! A problem with using a photo can be that the family may pre-judge you without meeting you, so sometimes it may not work in your favour and you make not make it to the interview stage. At the end of the day the decision is 100% yours to make!
Work experience
If you have had a previous career in another industry, try to keep this information very concise and keep the details relevant to the nanny job you are applying for. Parents are most interested in what you have been doing as a nanny, so don’t go into detail about previous jobs that are irrelevant.
Keep your CV concise
Try to keep your CV to 2 pages and use a clear layout. It is hard to do this if you list all your duties and responsibilities for each role so avoid repetition.
Listing your work experiences and qualifications
Do this in reverse chronological order. Start with your most recent work experience and qualifications and work your way back. Make sure there aren’t any gaps when listing your jobs as parents will wonder what you were doing during that time. You can always write one line saying you took time out for a family bereavement or to travel.
Up to date
It is vital that you keep your CV up to date and details accurate. Always check that you have your most recent phone number, email, address etc. Many nannies have an old mobile number or previous address on their CV and are not contactable or the information can be misleading if a parent wants a nanny who lives locally to them. This is especially true at present since the pandemic started.
Cover letter
It adds a more personal touch and tells a future employer all about YOU. Try to keep it concise and around 200 words max. Include a personal summary, the qualities and skills you have.
Dates and Details
Include the specific month and year you worked for each family so the reader can see how long you were in each position. It can be misleading if you write 2018-2019 as you may have been there for 1 month or a full year! In addition include how many children you looked after and their ages at the start of employment.
Duties and Responsibilities
It is really helpful for families and agencies to see the different types of duties/responsibilities you have done e.g., if you have driven children, helped with weaning, toilet training, travelled with the family or done proxy parenting etc.
CV presentation
Your CV needs to be clear and easy to read. Choose a font that looks professional such as Arial or Calibri and try to keep the font size 11-12 and clearly spaced out. Put dates and important details in bold to make them stand out.
If you have any questions or need advice with regards to improving you CV, then feel free to get in touch with us and we will be more than happy to help. Happy CV writing!
