Halloween 2020 is a Halloween like no other. In all honesty, we suppose that it is still scary as it has been a nerve wracking and extremely confusing year (to say the very least). We believe that no one else will experience a year like 2020 again or at least not during our generation. It is really disappointing to not be able to have the usual fun that Halloween has to offer, with the parties, events, haunted houses, dressing up, trick or treat and just being able to celebrate with friends and family.
However, due to Halloween being a little different this year we have come up with some tasty treats and pumpkin carving ideas to try and lighten up the mood. We hope you’ll find something you would like to try!
Five Simple, Quick and Easy Treats to Try:
1. Little monster cupcakes: these cupcakes are super easy and fun to make. You just need to make a simple cupcake and then decorate it with icing and decorations (mini marshmallows, sprinkles etc.) of your choice. You can pipe on spiders, 3-eyed monsters or even a Frankenstein. Just have fun with it!
2. Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Pies: you don’t even need to bake the pumpkin pies; you can just use store-bought ones if you prefer. You simply ice on some spooky looking faces to make the pies look like a carved pumpkin.
3. Meringue Ghosts: whip some egg whites and sugar to make a light and fluffy meringue mixture, pipe them into blobs and bake. Ice on some eyes once they’ve cooled and you have some yummy ghosts.
4. Ghostly Pizza: you can make your own pizza dough or buy some from your local supermarket. Pop some tomato sauce on, cut out your ghost shapes from some mozzarella cheese and make the eyes with some finely chopped olives or pepper balls. Yum!
5. Tombstone Cookies: you can either buy the cookies or make your own with a simple butter cookie recipe and shape into tombstones. Then you just need to ice “RIP” onto the cookies for that creepy effect.
Five Pumpkin Carving Ideas:
1. Carving your house number: this is something that is quite simple but adds a fun effect to your home
2. Candy holder pumpkin: all you need to do is carve out majority of the pumpkin to make one big hole and then pop some candy in for people to take when they pass by.
3. Pumpkin flower vase: for a more sophisticated take on Halloween you can carve out the pumpkin from the top, spray paint or paint the pumpkin a funky colour and arrange fake or even real flowers inside of it.
4. Butternut squash “pumpkins”: you can do a different take on pumpkin carving by carving spooky faces into butternut squash’s.
5. Lollipop pumpkin: carve a face into the pumpkin as usual but then drill holes all over the top of the pumpkin to put lollipops in – makes for a cute and fun way to give or take candy.
Here is are the links where we found the five treats: https://www.myrecipes.com/holidays-and-occasions/halloween-recipes/quick-easy-halloween-treats?utm_source=pinterest.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=myrecipes_myrecipes_1506372&utm_content=designed_dessert&utm_term=HalloweenTreats_202009&slide=33840#33840
See below for the pumpkin carving ideas:
